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Traditional Clothing, Textiles and Jewellery Exhibition

Aghia Lavra Society of NSW are proud to have been a principal sponsor of the National Dress & Costume Exhibition, a unique attraction in this year's calendar of events celebrating 200 years of Greek Independence. Opening night was presided over by his Eminence Archbishop Makarios, who blessed the occasion and attendees, before extending an especially warm welcome to Australia's First Lady, Mrs Jenny Morrison. On behalf of the Greek Community of Australia, he also presented her with a small, ornate Book of Gospels. A fitting symbol of the close connection between the Greek Orthodox Church, the Greek people and the Hellenistic pride which motivated the revolt against tyranny in 1821.

The Hellenic Lyceum Sydney presented a stunning collection of clothing, embroidery textiles and jewellery traditional to various regions of Greece. Providing a vivid glimpse into the ways of 19th Century life.

Aghia Lavra Society sponsor 1821 celebrations
Hellenic Lyceum Sydney exhibition, proudly sponsored by the Aghia Lavra Society of NSW


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